Just a quick message to let you know where we are at regarding getting a show out.
First of all though a massive thank you for the positive response to news that The Carp Society have bought Carp Radio, that alone has given us great encouragement, so a genuine sincere thank you. Hopefully we can repay your kindness with some quality shows. Also a massive thank you to Matt for making it all possible.
It’s all very new to me so I’ve been trying to get used to the microphone and the editing but it’s coming along nicely. I think I’ve got enough recorded for a first broadcast, I just need to put it together now and check out a few legal issues regarding copyrights and what have you and we should be good to go. I don’t want to rush things and get it wrong so please bear with us and we will be broadcasting in the not to distant.
In the meantime if any of you have anything you’d particularly like us to cover then please let us know. Likewise if you just want a shout out or to let us know what you’ve been catching then again, just let us know.
We want to broadcast what you want to hear so please get involved.
Thanks again for the positivity and we look forward to putting something out soon.
On behalf of The Carp Society